Do you agree that when styling our children's bedrooms we do it for them as much as we do it for ourselves? Surely, I am not the only one who packs in there what I loved or missed when I was a child? ;-) And while incorporating their interests and wishes, I also want to make sure that their space fits our home. Are you with me on that? ;-)
So, what makes a great kid's bedroom? Our team has identified FIVE MUST-HAVE CATEGORIES that all of the below bedrooms tick perfectly:
1. It has to be FUN!!
2. It needs to represent the child's CHARACTER.
3. It should have several DISTINCT AREAS & PLAY SPACES.
4. COZY CORNERS are a must for quiet & snuggle time.
5. It must have STORAGE (a parent's requirement for sanity)!!!
Check out these amazing kids' spaces and get inspired! If you do have a created an amazing room (and it does not have to be a children's space :-)), please let us know, tag us and use #stylingwithhunterandnomad. We'd love to feature your space and you could win a refund of your last Hunter & Nomad order.
Lots of love,
Annemarie xx
1. AILEE'S ROOM by Camille @jaleemom
2. CASPIAN'S ROOM by Sarah @sarah.pickersgill.brown

3. ALASKA'S ROOM by Kyree @misskyreeloves
4. WOODY & TUCKER'S ROOM BY AMBER @my.little.cutie.pies
5. HARLOW'S ROOM by Krystal @houseofharvee
6. MINNIE'S ROOM by Kristy @minnieandmeinteriors
7. INDIE'S ROOM by Shannon @ourperthreno
8. IVY & FLYNN'S ROOM by Tegan @tegan_jean
9. RIVER'S ROOM by Jesse @lifeofriverandiluka_
10. OLIVER'S ROOM by Nancy @__thenguyens
11. AVIE'S ROOM by Bek @bekhalliday
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