The absolute best thing about Instagram is discovering and connecting with amazing accounts that fill you with inspiration each and every day! So we thought we would share with you one of our favourite accounts that we have come across - the lovely Bek Halliday. Bek is a stylist, an artist and a Mama of 2 girls (with another due in April!). She is our go-to account for interior inspo and creates the most dreamy spaces around her home, and her nursery is no exception!
With a background in interior design and an incredible ability to source unique items from small businesses, we thought Bek would be the perfect person to share some top tips on styling a nursery, for all you Mamas and Mama-to-be's out there. We hope you enjoy reading our interview with Bek below!
For our friends and connections that may not already know who you are, please can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your family...
We live in a coastal town on the NSW Central Coast and absolutely love where we live! I am married to the love of my life and we are blessed with two sweet girls, and another one on the way. I run a creative business called Bek Halliday Art, selling my original art and prints for kids rooms, and am also a product stylist.
How did your journey on Instagram begin?
My journey on Instagram started 4 years ago and has grown to a place that I am tremendously proud of. I may not have topped over 100k followers yet, but I am so proud of what I have achieved so far, and have a wonderful network of supportive followers.
The way you style your home is absolutely stunning - where did your love of styling and photography come from?
I have always been passionate about styling and design. I actually studied Fine Art and Interior Design but I have found my own natural talent develop over the years to something that is uniquely me. I love photography too! And am developing my skills and knowledge through practice and just getting the camera out and having a go.
How did you go about creating your nurseries for your girls?
What are your top tips to styling a nursery?
Is there anything you would avoid doing when styling a nursery?
Don't use black, harsh or bold patterns and colours. Keep it serene.
What are your favourite items in baby number 3’s nursery?
We noticed that you incorporate a lot of beautiful products from small businesses, we’d love to know who your 5 favourite small business brands are at the moment?

Which are your favourite items by Dutch Warehouse?
The Sol bassinet, the dot rugs and the moon mirror!
We adore the artwork that you create, please can you tell us more about your inspiration behind your pieces and where our readers can get their hands on some for themselves?

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